Home Products Peptides Melanotan I
Melanotan I
Melanotan I

Melanotan I

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Melanotan I

Product Description
Product name : Melanotan I
Item : Melanotan I
Price : Melanotan I
Details :
Researchers once synthesized and screened hundreds of molecules, after which they eventually found a peptide that seemed incredibly effective and safe when pinned against natural α-MSH. The peptide is called Melanotan 1. Since Melanotan was discovered in the 1980s, different studies were done on it and all of these studies never showed any harmful side effects in the end. The best part is that Melanotan is deemed to be a huge help against one of the biggest health problems out there right now: skin cancer. Melanotan is actually very effective at activating the natural tanning mechanisms in the body. In fact, it is so effective that it can create tans without having to expose skin to harmful UV rays. This can, in turn, reduce the possibilities of skin cancer or even just skin damage from occurring later on. Melanotan I refers to an a-MSH analog of cyclic heptapeptide, which can tan skin. Its other version, Melanotan II, can also increase libido. Most researchers know that the only way to keep the skin safe from cancer would be to stay out of the sun yet gradually develop a tan the natural way. They also know that skin cancer rates can be reduced once tanning can be induced this way and a protective tan can be produced prior to experiencing sun exposure in the first place. Researchers are also aware that a-MSH can result in melanogenesis, a process wherein the skin’s tanning can produce more melanin. Because of this, researchers have done several tests to figure out whether administering more melanin can actually cause tanning without the need for the sun. Although these tests proved that it works, a-MSH isn’t practical enough for longer usage. This is why melanotan I is deemed to be the more practical and more effective choice overall.

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